Friday, March 28, 2008

fourth assignment

The first element is a metaphor: By god you're afraid to drive it over... jewel says.

second element is the Wagon\Horses.

Third element is Plot.

The first one the character jewel seems mad just reading his tone. I see it in a conversation. jewel is setting the mood in this part. The wagon in the story represents the symbol because thats the only thing they have to travel. I see it in the path that they are traveling too, it means that it's the way of going to place to place on a wagon. The last one is the plot first of all this takes place on the trail going to Mississippi to bury there mother, i see them traveling, it means that the plot is set up in a way to make readers guust what will happen next.

I know what it is because u look for the messages it's saying in the text.

what jewel says to cash it sets the moods in the first sentance above, in that setting because jewel is mad.The job is telling you to do a certain thing, but yet u still cant do it. The wagons job including the horses is to make sure they carrie the passeningers across to mississippi. The plots job is to how a conflict,but at the same time they bring out there issues and true feelings.

The project in the story is saying that no one is perfect and the problems they have they will get through it together.